Health Programs and Information
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Health Surveillance
Vital Statistics: Monitoring death certificates for unusual patterns of mortality.
Communicable Disease Investigation and Reporting: Investigate cases of disease, follows the incidence of cases of infectious disease and identify contacts to protect the community from outbreaks and spread disease.
Health Protection:
- Drinking Water Monitoring: To identify bacterial and chemical contamination of wells, before people in the community are made ill. Water Well Testing for residential and Businesses. Drinking water is tested through an outside testing laboratory.
- Food Sanitation: Inspecting restaurants to prevent poor food handling practices that could spread hepatitis and food poisoning. Food Permit, Food Safety Day.
- Sewage Treatment: Permitting construction and maintenance of on-site sewage treatment systems in a manner to prevent disease spread by improperly treated sewage. You need to follow some procedures to get a Septic Permit. The health department has been working in constructed wetlands as a green alternative to conventional septic systems.
- Environmental Health: To evaluate and maintain a healthy environment to reduce health risks, including complaints regarding garbage and trash accumulation, open burning; failing septic system, illegal dumping, etc.
- Animal and Vector Control: Identify and reduce the risk to the community from insects (mosquito, ticks) and animal (rats, horses, dog, bats) related diseases such as West Nile, rabies, equine encephalitis, Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
- Monitoring and Inspect Public Swimming Areas and Pools: To identify conditions which will promote disease.
- Housing Sanitation and Safety: To assure housing, mobile home parks, campgrounds, labor camps, school, day care centers and mass gatherings are maintained and operated in a manner that will minimize disease transmission and injury.
Preventative Services
- Immunization Clinics
- Water Well Testing & Groundwater Program
- Food Safety Day: A two-hour curriculum to educate you in food safety and make you aware of safe food handling procedures for food retail and foodservice establishment.